The Low Risk Birthing Center had tremendous positive impact in supporting women of the targeted areas since the progammes initiation. During the programme duration the nurses at the Center had regularly mentioned various key problems that women in the area face and their impacts on the personal health of the women. One such reproductive health related problem was uterus prolapse which many women as well as family members are either ignorant about or refuse to discuss. This is a problem which results in serious health and other related impacts which range from physical, psychological, social and impact on new born babies. Such a problem further negatively affects not only their individual life of the woman but their entire family and society as well.
Target Areas
The programme was conducted in the three most populous VDCs of Jogbuda, Alital and Sirsha situated in the southern part of Dadeldhura District.
Major components/Activities
Health Camp: A two-day gynecological check-up camp was conducted to ensure that the community directly benefits along with the process of gathering data for the research.
Awareness Raising: Introduction of RUWDUC and its activities followed by a video presentation to both entertain and create awareness among the patients on women’s issues. An approximate of 1,000 patients along with their children and guardians viewed the video presentation.
Focus Group Discussion: FGD were then held on the issues related to uterus prolapse and safe motherhood issues. A total of 12 focus group discussions were held.
Orientation: After the focus group discussions the women were provided information on safe motherhood issues such as proper nutrition during pregnancy, weight of the mother, rest/care during pregnancy and after delivery, appropriate age for childbirth, appropriate spacing between pregnancies and sanitation.
Health Checks: A total of 588 patients were provided with health checks and medicines were also distributed to them as per their requirement. A total of 260 prolapse cases were recorded out of which 253 patients were provided with rings and 7 cases were provided information along with appropriate exercises.
Questionnaire: A total of 151 prolapse patients were interviewed on the questionnaire that focused on awareness on uterus prolapse, its causes and prevention.
Time frame: December 2003 – March 2004