RUWDUC focused on the marginalized communities to select the students. The ethnicity wise data also reflects the same. 59% of total Students who received Scholarship are Janjati and 23 % are Dalits which shows that 82% are from Marginalized communities and only 18% represent Brahmin and Chhetris. RUWDUC was able to achieve the target of providing scholarship to more Marginalized community Members.A total of 308 students from Urma and Foolbari Resource Centers were distributed the scholarship material. Among 308 students, 180 were girls and 128 were boys which reflect that 58.4% represent Female and 41.6% are Male. The number of the girls is higher in comparison to the boys. 272 students who received scholarship materials are from basic level schools and 36 are completing their secondary level studies. It has been observed that the students of basic level needsthe scholarship program next year as well to continue their secondary level education. Among the scholarship distributed, 254 students were financially supported by ALFS whereas, 54 were supported by personal Donors. Among 254 supported by ALFS, 146 are Female and 108 are Male. ALFS supported to 217 Marginalized Community students and personal donors have supported to 37 Marginalized community Members.