Disaster Risk Reduction

Disaster Risk Reduction

RUWDUC has been supporting to the victims of flood, landslides and earthquake by providing food, clothes, tent, shelter, etc. RUWDUC works in Improved policies and practices of private sectors and other actors that respect the rights of river basin communities to water resources and Strengthen women’s voices indecision making process on water management and water infrastructure.   RUWDUC supports in Better Access to Improved Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Services, Strategies and Technologies and Improved Access To Effective Disaster Risk Management Systems and Technologies though  Improved Access to Productive Natural Resources and Resource Management Systems.


More Our Expertise

Promoting peace and access to justice

Promoting peace and access to justice

The decade long insurgency in Nepal left a large number of women and children affected, many still suffering the consequences. RUWDUC has undertaken the...

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Enabling access to education

Enabling access to education

RUWDUC has been effectively running a children’s home for 10 extremely needy conflict affected girls. While working to transform institutionalization of children, RUWDUC was...

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Health promotion

Health promotion

RUWDUC’s support in nutrition based programs, Nutritional Rehabilitation Homes, in 4 districts of Nepal focuses on preventing and restoring health of severely malnourished children...

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Socio-economic change

Socio-economic change

One of the first non governmental organizations initiating work and raising women’s issues in Far West, RUWDUC worked with mothers’ groups to improve families’...

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